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  • Ofsted Report

    Published 15/09/22

    We are disappointed by the outcome of the Chaucer School Ofsted inspection and do not feel that the report takes into account the full impact that the pandemic has had on our school and community.

    In a monitoring visit in March 2020 Ofsted found the school to be taking effective action in order for the school to become good. Covid-19 then caused two years of significant disruption to education, and hardship within the community.

    Our priority throughout this time has been the safety and welfare of everyone involved with our school and we are extremely proud of our students, staff and families for the resilience that they have shown.

    We will continue on our journey for excellence together at Chaucer School, and in our mission to realise the life chances and dreams of all our students.

    David Dennis (CEO, TSAT), Scott Burnside (Director of Secondary Education, TSAT) and Joanna Crewe (Headteacher, Chaucer School) – September 2022.

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  • National Bank holiday 19th September

    Published 12/09/22

    Chaucer School will be closed on Monday 19th September 2022 along with all schools as a mark of respect for the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which will be a national bank holiday.

    The Department for Education has advised that for all school's normal attendance is expected through the National Mourning period.

    We thank you all in advance for your support.

    Chaucer School

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  • Lateness to School

    Published 12/09/22

    Being on time for school is a really important part of being successful. Please see the letter below for more information around the importance of students arriving on time.

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  • Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022

    Published 09/09/22

    A lifetime of dedicated service to our country, Tapton School Academy Trust is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her impact was and still is felt by people in many ways. Her kindness, duty, dignity, leadership and how she approached her role, are inspirational. Our thoughts are with her family at this time.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - September 2022

    Published 06/09/22

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for September.

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  • Important return to school information

    Published 05/09/22

    Welcome to the start of 2022-23, in which we have a huge number of plans to take our school on a real journey of improvement. Our guiding principle is ‘We are first class’ and that means we won’t accept anything less than first class practice to give your children a first-class education.

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  • Return to school Monday 5th September

    Published 02/09/22

    We hope you all have a great weekend; we look forward to welcoming ALL students at 8.30am on Monday 5th of September in full school uniform, ready to start the new school year. 

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  • Students and staff at Tapton School Academy Trust celebrate GCSE success

    Published 25/08/22

    Students and staff at Tapton School Academy Trust celebrate GCSE success

    Following years of unprecedented disruption to their education, students at Bradfield, Chaucer, Forge Valley and Tapton secondary schools received their GCSE grades today.

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  • End of Term Letter

    Published 21/07/22

    Dear Parents and Carers

    We come to the last week of term, and I must thank you first of all for working with us through yet another national crisis – this time the heat. Hopefully this will be a rare occasion, but students did conduct themselves sensibly and safely while in school during the heatwave.

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  • Heatwave changes for Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July 2022 - Update

    Published 15/07/22
    Heatwave changes for Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July 2022
    Due to the extreme changes, Tapton School Academies Trust are making the following changes to school on Monday and Tuesday.
    1. All trips and visits are postponed. This includes the rewards trip to Flamingo Land on Monday. We will rebook for September. 
    2. School will close at the beginning of period 4 - 12.55pm. If students need to stay in school until the end of the day due to travel arrangement needs, staff will be available in school to supervise them. Please ring or email school on to let us know if you will require your child to stay in school on either or both afternoons.
    3. Only cold food will be available at break and lunch. 
    3. Students are free to wear PE kit, and a hat. 
    4. Water will be available to students all day, so they should bring a refillable water bottle. 
    5. We are taking all possible steps with windows and blinds to keep rooms as cool as possible, and will be closely monitoring the situation room to room, rerooming to cooler spaces where necessary. 
    6. Activities in lesson will try to avoid creating additional heat, for example in Science, Food Technology, and in PE.
    We aim to keep all adults and children as safe and comfortable as possible in school. Thank you for supporting us as we manage this unusual situation together. 
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  • Results Day 2022

    Published 15/07/22

    Results day this year is scheduled for Thursday 25th August. For the last two years, Covid
    restrictions have meant that students were invited in individually at a specified time.
    However, we are now able to revert back to our normal way of working. This means students
    can come to collect results in person at any time between 10am and 12 noon on the day.

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  • Last day of school arrangements

    Published 12/07/22

    Please note that Chaucer is closed on Friday 22nd July, school breaks up for the summer on Thursday 21st July at 12 noon, FSM students are able to order in advance and collect grab bag lunches before they leave school site, many thanks

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  • Sports Day - 12th July

    Published 11/07/22

    Tuesday 12th July is Chaucer School Sports Day. All students should attend in Chaucer PE kit, and also bring a refillable water bottle, a hat, and sun cream. Students will spend much of their day outside. 

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  • Parental Controls Guidance Booklet

    Published 11/07/22

    This guide will help you set up parental controls to provide your child with a safer online environment.

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  • Behaviour Expectations 2022

    Published 04/07/22

    Behaviour expectations presentation 2022

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  • Sheffield Healthy Holidays

    Published 01/07/22

    Sheffield Healthy Holidays - Summer HAF 2022.

    Be active, eat well. Free summer activities 2022 - Places are limited so book your activity now.


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  • Changes to the school day

    Published 16/06/22

    Please see the attached letter below for more information.

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  • Ofsted Inspection 7th-8th June 2022

    Published 06/06/22

    Her Majesty’s Inspectors will be in Chaucer School on Tuesday 7th June and Wednesday 8th June.

    We welcome the feedback of all parents during this inspection.

    If you would like to give your views, please follow the link below:

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  • Access to facilities during lessons

    Published 21/04/22

    Please see the attached letter for more information.

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  • Closing registers update April 2022

    Published 18/04/22

    As part of our ongoing efforts to maximise attendance to school, we are making a slight change to how we operate the registers in the morning. This change is to ensure as many children as possible are in the building, learning, and opening as many doors as possible to bright futures.

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  • Year 11 Easter revision sessions

    Published 01/04/22
    Y11 revision invitation for sessions over Easter have gone out today. They are being posted to any students that are absent. Session are running in the following subject on the following days from 9am-1pm.
    Monday 4th April maths and history
    Tuesday 5th April hospitality and Miss Mujushi’s engineering class
    Friday 8th April English
    Tuesday 12th April science, hospitality and Mr Tuke’s engineering class
    Wednesday 13th April geography
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  • Parent Governor Recruitment

    Published 31/03/22

    Are you interested in joining Chaucer School’s Local Governing Body as a Parent Governor? We currently have a vacancy and need your skills and knowledge to bring a parental perspective to the school’s priorities and strategy to assure the continued development and success of Chaucer School. 

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  • Changes to Leadership and Expectations

    Published 24/03/22

    There have been some leadership changes at Chaucer School and Tapton School Academy Trust that I need to make you aware of. Please see the attached letter for more information.

    Best wishes
    Joanna Crewe

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  • Year 7 Parents evening date change

    Published 15/03/22

    Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone the Y7 parents’ evening scheduled for Tuesday 15th March until next week. It will now take place on Tuesday 22nd March between 4 and 6.30pm. 

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  • How to book parents evening appointments

    Published 15/03/22

    All appointments for parents evenings can be booked via the school MCAS app. 

    For more information on how to book appointments please visit

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  • Free courses available to parents

    Published 11/03/22

    Due to Government Funding in the Adult Education Budget, we have several Free online Level 2 Accredited Courses available to staff and Parents to help better understand some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing their own careers.

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