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  • Strike update for Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023

    Published 13/03/23

    Chaucer School will remain fully open to all students on the next strike days (Wednesday 15th and
    Thursday 16th March 2023) Please see the letter below for more information.

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  • New Chaucer Podcast - March 2023

    Published 10/03/23

    To celebrate the success of World Book Day, we are launching our own Chaucer Book Podcast! Each month, teachers will read extracts from their favourite books for you to enjoy. Mr Davis is kicking it off in style with a sci-fi novel! Grab a cuppa and enjoy! 

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  • Closure 10th March 2023 - Remote Learning

    Published 10/03/23

    While school is closed, please choose between the resources that are available for your year group.

    You can either email completed work to your teacher or bring into school when we reopen. 

    Your teacher will not be sending any additional work to you today.

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  • School Closure - Friday 10th March 2023

    Published 09/03/23

    Due to predicted and current weather conditions, Chaucer School will be completely closed to all staff and students tomorrow Friday 10th March 2023.

    Student can find access to Remote Learning via the website in the morning.

    Keep safe and warm.

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  • School Closure - 9th March 2023

    Published 09/03/23

    Chaucer school, will be closing today due to adverse weather conditions from end of p2 (11am) today and with a review relating to tomorrow's opening to communicated later today.

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  • Ofsted Inspection 2nd-3rd March 2023

    Published 01/03/23

    We have just been informed that OFSTED will inspect Chaucer School on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd March 2023. The lead inspector is Richard Jones, His Majesty’s Inspector.

    We have been asked to share the following information with you:

    We would like to know what you think about your child’s school. Your views about the school are important to us.

    If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at the school (including pupils on sick leave or who are temporarily excluded), you can tell us your views about the school by completing Ofsted's online survey, Ofsted Parent View, at:

    Ofsted Parent View asks for your opinion on some aspects of your child's school, including the progress made by your child, the quality of teaching, how the school deals with bullying and poor behaviour. It also provides a free-text box for you to make additional comments, if you wish. The inspectors will use the online survey responses when inspecting your child's school.

    To register your views, you will need to provide your email address, which will be held securely. It will not be used for any purpose other than providing access to the online survey. Neither schools nor Ofsted will have access to any email addresses.

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  • World Book Day 2023

    Published 28/02/23
    📖 World Book Day 📖 is on Thursday, 2nd of March and we will be holding a non-uniform day.
    For £1 students can attend school in non-uniform or for students wearing costumes based on books you will only pay 50p!
    There's a student competition for the best book themed outfits on the day, and a staff one too! So dress to impress!
    Please remember usual non-uniform expectations still apply.
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  • Strike update for Tuesday 28th February 2023

    Published 23/02/23

    Chaucer School will remain fully open to all students on the next strike day (Tuesday 28th February).
    This is due to the low numbers of staff that we expect to be out of school. Please see the letter below for further information.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - February 2023

    Published 23/02/23

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for February.

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  • February Half term

    Published 10/02/23

    Students finish for the half-term holidays at the end of school today. We hope you all have a lovely week, and we look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Monday the 20th of February at 8.30am

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  • Year 9 Options Deadline - 9th February 2023

    Published 07/02/23

    Just a reminder to all Year 9 students. All Options forms must be returned to school by 9am on Thursday 9th February 2023. For more information about your Options please see

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  • Parent Open Forum - Monday 27th Feb 2023

    Published 06/02/23

    Parents and carers have the opportunity to attend an Open Forum on OFSTED Developments on Monday the 27th of February from 6-7pm at Chaucer School with the headteacher. A short presentation will be given on developments, actions and impact, before opening up to parent questions. Parents and carers also have the opportunity to get information about improvements to the school at each Parent's Evening, or through booking 1:1 appointments with the Headteacher as required using the address.

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  • Time to Talk Day

    Published 02/02/23

    Time to talk day is on 2nd February 2023 and the theme is talk, listen, change lives.

    Time to talk day is all about making space in our day to talk about mental health. It recognises that talking about mental health isn’t always easy, but a single conversation has the power to change lives.

    They say: “You don’t need a degree in listening to lend an ear”

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  • Strike action update

    Published 26/01/23

    We have significant numbers of teachers who may take strike action and we will not know the number of staff in school until the morning of any strike day.
    Having considered the potential impact on our learners, and with their health and safety paramount to our decisions, we have confirmed that school will be closed to the majority of students on the first strike day (Wednesday 1st February).

    The school will also be open for all Year 11 students to attend in the morning to complete their BTEC Digital Information Technology exam. Please see the letter below for further information.

    Please see the link below for full information regarding the NEU strike days

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  • Hepp - Understanding Student Finance

    Published 13/01/23

    Hepp will be hosting their next event specifically for parents, carers and students to hear about student finance. Explaining how student finance works for higher education.

    They will give you the facts on

    • How much money students can receive as a loan or non-repayable bursary/ scholarship
    • The extra financial support they may be eligible for
    • Repayments
    • Explain how finance isn’t a barrier to higher education

    The session ‘Parent and Carers - Understanding Student Finance’ is taking place on Thursday 9 February 2023 from 5pm – 6pm.

    To register please follow the following link: Parent and Carers -,M_nqWDlgd0KhjF8HnENGRw,swkfTw0QnUaulmlPrD-6BQ,zqYLIkclaUW7jAT8z-pToA,yspeLjpEEEOJlGozJhHuTw,BrQ110V7QkS0HN94cPFNVg?mode=read&tenantId=8968f6a1-ac13-472f-b899-f7316e439f43&skipauthstrap=1

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  • Year 8 and 9 Parents evenings

    Published 06/01/23

    Dear Parent/Cares of Y8 & 9 the parents evening booking system has gone live please log onto MCAS or call the school office to book an appointment.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - January 2023

    Published 05/01/23

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for January.

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Published 16/12/22
    We would like to say a massive thank you to our students for their hard work and the respect, responsibility and kindness they have shown over this last term.
    We would also like to give a huge thank you to all our parents and carers for your support.
    On behalf of all the staff at Chaucer we wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year, and we look forward to seeing you all on the 3rd of January 2023!
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  • Healthy Activities & Food (HAF) Winter 2022

    Published 14/12/22

    Sheffield Healthy Holidays is all about trying activities and eating food that does us good!  Sheffield children and young people in receipt of benefits related-free school meals can now choose from a huge range of fun free activities this WINTER happening across the city throughout the holidays – all completely FREE!

    PLACES ARE LIMITED SO BOOK YOUR ACTIVITY NOW or watch our film, new activities are being added so keep checking back for even more FUN!

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  • Last day of school arrangements

    Published 12/12/22

    Friday 16th December 2022, all students will finish school at 12.20pm please read the full news article for more information.

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  • Increase in Scarlet Fever and Strep A

    Published 09/12/22

    Can all parents take a moment to please read the information below regarding signs, symptoms and how to seek help in relation to Scarlet Fever and Strep A

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  • Uniform Expectations 2022

    Published 06/12/22

    To all our parents, please can you take a few moments to read our updated uniform policy and expectations which will come into effect from 3rd January 2023.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - December 2022

    Published 30/11/22

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for December.

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  • Relationships and Behaviour Policy updates

    Published 28/11/22

    Dear Parents and Carers

    We've reached a stage at Chaucer School where the time is right to update our behaviour systems and processes. I know from meeting with families, from listening to parent voice that we receive in person and online, from listening to students and from listening to staff, that the changes we are making are both sensible and desired as we move forwards in our journey of improvement for Chaucer School.

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  • Cost of Living Crisis - Sheffield resources

    Published 28/11/22

    In response to the ‘cost of living crisis’, Sheffield City Council has created a package of support for anyone facing financial hardship.  Please see the links below for information from Sheffield City Council.

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  • Y11 Parents’ Evening

    Published 21/11/22

    Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 30th November, running from 4.00pm - 6.30pm.

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  • Staff Inset Days

    Published 18/11/22

    Chaucer school will be closes to students on Thursday 24th November 2022 and Friday 25th November 2022

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  • Free county lines seminar.

    Published 07/11/22

    Free event bright seminar for parents, carers, and foster carers.

    The content covers what county lines is, how children are groomed and exploited, what is happening in your particular area, how parents can spot the signs and how to raise concerns and get help.

    Please see the attached posted below for more information and register via

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - November 2022

    Published 01/11/22

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for November.

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  • Headteacher's Letter Oct 22

    Published 21/10/22

    Headteachers Letter October 2022

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