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Safer Internet Day 2024 - Stay Safe and Positive.

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology.
The internet can be a great place to have fun and inspire change, and we are encouraging all of our students to stay safe and positive online.

What can you do to help stay safe and positive online?

Inspire change by encouraging positivity

With little acts of kindness, we can all work together to help make the internet a more positive place. When you are posting or commenting, think about the impact it will have on others. Can you challenge yourself to make someone happier today? You could leave a kind comment, share a funny post or like a friend’s video.

Make a difference by being an upstander

When something isn’t right or something unkind happens, upstanders take action.  You can be an upstander by standing up for others, offering them support or reporting hateful content. The more we stand up for what is right, the bigger the difference we can make.

Manage influence by taking a balanced approach

The internet can be a great place to find content or influencers that inspire you. There is a wide range of voices and information online, but it is important to take a balanced approach when interacting with content, so you can form your own opinions and understand the facts. Make sure to do your own research and use multiple sources.

Navigate change by talking about it

The online world is always changing, with game updates, new content and services, and breaking news stories. Change is an important part of life and can be exciting but can sometimes feel overwhelming too. Talking to friends, family or trusted adults can help you to manage these emotions and understand what is going on.