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  • Introducing the new Chaucer House system

    Published 20/07/23

    We will be introducing a House system which will impact all students and staff at Chaucer school. The letter and the leaflet below will outline some of the changes and how they will affect you and your child.

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  • Guide to Parental Controls

    Published 18/07/23

    Please see the guide below for help on setting up parental controls and adjusting privacy settings to provide your
    Child with a safer online environment.

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  • Work Experience

    Published 17/07/23

    In many schools, work experience relies on young people arranging their work experience placement with family or friends. But what about those with no suitable connections?

    Work experience has been shown to increase future earnings and reduce the risk of being NEET (not in education or employment), so students without connections miss out on the actual experience as well as the longer-term benefits. We’re trying to help raise our students’ aspirations and confidence and improve their future chances by sourcing some placements in Sheffield.

    Can you help? If you can’t host placements yourself, do you know anyone that can? Could you share this with your network (please!)?

    If you can help, please email

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  • Autism in Schools

    Published 14/07/23

    We have been participating in the Autism in Schools Project for the past 20 months. This has enabled us to access support from the Sheffield parent / carer forum and access to an intervention for students entitled ‘Understanding Myself’ led by KIDS. As a school we have also had access to a range of training materials to develop and embed our practice at Chaucer.

    In the spring of 2022 we agreed to contribute to a training video which included how we support students with ASD, both diagnosed and those awaiting assessment. This video is now being shared city wide to support training of school staff to develop skills and expertise to ensure young people across the city access the right support. A trailer has now been released that can be shared publicly.

    We are really proud of the fact that Chaucer’s good practice has been recognised, and you can have a brief look at our contribution in the video below.

    Mrs Tolley

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  • Chaucer Y7 Summer School 2023

    Published 14/07/23
    The Chaucer summer school is open to all students who will be joining us in Year 7 in September, the summer school will run on the 25th, 26th & 27th July 2023 from 9am - 2pm with lunch provided. If your child is interested in joining us please contact the main school office on 0114 2322338
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  • Exam Results Day 2023

    Published 13/07/23

    Year 11 2023 Exams results day will take place on Thursday 24th August.
    Students can come to collect results in person at any time between 09:30am 11:30am on the day.
    Please see the letter below for more information for collection options.

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  • Department for Education - T Levels

    Published 07/07/23

    Please see information from the Department for Education about new T Level qualifications and why they may be a great choice for your child after their GCSEs. T Levels are at the forefront of technical education – and are a key pillar on the ladder of opportunity for young people, a framework which outlines how a skills system operates to support people from all backgrounds to reach to the top rung: well-paid, secure and sustainable employment.

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  • Sports Day July 2023

    Published 05/07/23

    On Wednesday 12th July 2023 we will be holding our whole school sports day. Students will be taking part in a range of sports activities including Athletics, Football, Dodgeball, Basketball and Table Tennis.  

    Students will be expected to attend school in full PE uniform please see for information about acceptable PE Uniform.  

    Access to drinks and food will be available at normal break and lunch times. However, we would encourage all students to bring a water bottle with them.  

    If the weather does not permit the activities to take place on the planned date we will update as soon as possible, with further information.

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  • School Rewards

    Published 05/07/23

    We’ve been trying in school this year to make rewards as visible as possible for yourselves and for students. Reward boards have gone up in classrooms this week as a prompt for all to be recognised in the classroom for showing the school values of respect, responsibility and kindness.

    Please see the letter below for more information.

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  • Chaucer Podcast - July

    Published 03/07/23

    Mr Hammonds is reading for our next episode of the Chaucer Book Podcast He's chosen a fantastic extract from 'My Brilliant Friend', sit back and enjoy! 

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  • Sheffield SEND Local offer

    Published 30/06/23

    Does your child or young person have a special educational need or disability?

    Sheffield City Council has a website with information about support and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0–25 years. This is known as the 'Local offer'. It is part of a website call the Sheffield Directory, which also covers services for adults, children and families.

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  • Strike update for Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July 2023

    Published 28/06/23

    Chaucer School will remain fully open to all students on the next strike days (Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July 2023) Please see the letter below for more information.

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  • Year 6 Transition Days.

    Published 20/06/23

    Y6 to Y7 transition Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th July. 

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  • Y10 Speaking and Listening assessment

    Published 20/06/23

    Year 10 students have got an upcoming assessment for the Speaking and Listening element of their English Language GCSE. It's an exciting challenge that allows students to share their passions, build confidence and develop key skills! 

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  • Year 7 – Sir Harry Kroto Day Visit to The University of Sheffield

    Published 16/06/23

    On Tuesday 13th of June a group of our year 7 students visited the University of Sheffield to take part in the Sir Harry Kroto Day. The day is a celebration of the Nobel prize winning work of Sir Harry Kroto and his discovery of Buckminster Fullerene which was given the nick name “Bucky Ball” due to its structure. The students took part in workshop activities in the morning learning about the scientific scale from the gigantic gigametres to opposite extreme of nanometres. They built their own Bucky Balls and explored the unique geometry of this amazing molecule.

    In the afternoon the students got their lab coats, goggles and gloves on to take part in some experiments to explore the chemistry of different molecules in the teaching laboratories in the Dainton Building. Students made their own bath bombs, explored the slippery and stretchy world of slime and watched various demonstrations including elephant’s toothpaste and the wonders of liquid nitrogen.

    The students were impeccably behaved and were an absolute credit to themselves and the school. I was proud to be able to accompany them and share their experience. I hope that they had as much fun as I did and consider the opportunities that life at university can provide.

    Well done doesn’t seem quite enough to congratulate them on their participation in the event! I am immensely proud of their conduct and engagement in the day, and it really did remind me of the reasons I chose to be a teacher. Thank you, year 7!

    Dr Aitken

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - June 2023

    Published 09/06/23

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for June.

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  • Half Term - Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June

    Published 26/05/23

    Just a reminder Chaucer school closes today at 3pm today (Friday 26th May) for the Half term holidays. We hope you all have a great holiday and we look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Monday 5th June 2023.

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  • NCS 2023

    Published 18/05/23

    We are excited to be working with Chaucer School this year to offer an unforgettable summer experience for students in year 11. 

    The NCS programme offers young people, aged 15-17, a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something meaningful, as well as a chance to develop skills and take on new challenges that will set them up for adult life.

    New for 2023 your year 11 will have the chance to choose from 3 unforgettable experiences and have a range of dates available for you to choose from;

    Live It, Boss It, or Change It!

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  • Y6 Parents Evening and uniform ordering event

    Published 09/05/23

    Y6 Parents Evening

    Tuesday 4th July 2023 – Parents evening presentation will be two sessions: 4 - 4.30pm and 5 - 5.30pm

    Come and meet key staff who will be working with your child in September and learn more about the transition to Chaucer.

    Uniform ordering event

    Tuesday 4th July 2023 – Uniform event with our supplier Pinders from 3pm – 6pm.

    There will be a chance for students to try on uniform and place orders.

    Transition Days

    Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th July 2023 - 8.45am – 2.30pm

    Will give your child an opportunity to take part in taster lessons and learn their way around to school ready for starting their journey with us in September. They will also have chance to meet some of the teachers who will be teaching them. Above all it will help your child to prepare for starting school with Chaucer.

    Summer school

    Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th July 2023 - 9am – 2:00pm

    During Summer school your child will have chance to meet other year 6 students who will be coming to Chaucer from other schools. It will also give your child the opportunity to ask any questions they may have and take part in a range of activities which will allow them to get to know our staff.

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  • Attendance Information

    Published 28/04/23

    Please see the letter below for information regarding attendance.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - May 2023

    Published 28/04/23

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for May.

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  • Chaucer Podcast - April

    Published 24/04/23

    It's finally time for our 2nd episode of the Chaucer Book Podcast! This month, we have Miss Troughton reading from her favourite book. We'd love to get some students reading from their favourite books too so come and have a chat with Miss McInnis to get yourself recorded! 

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  • Strike update for Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May 2023

    Published 21/04/23

    Chaucer School will remain fully open to all students on the next strike days (Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May 2023) Please see the letter below for more information.

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  • Education for All information for Year 6 Families

    Published 21/04/23
    A message to all year 6 students from Sheffield City Council Education for All.
    Mainstream Advice & Phase Transfer drop-in support sessions
    We know that transition to a new school can be an uncertain time for children and young people and their families. It can also be a time of excitement and opportunity for the next stages of education. We know it can be disappointing for families when they don’t get their first choice of school. It’s really important to make this as positive as possible for every child and young person.
    Most children with SEND who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) go to a mainstream school or setting. There are social, emotional and academic benefits for children who remain with their school friends and maintain their community links.
    The Sheffield SEND Services have put together a helpful document. It gives information and advice on how mainstream education supports those with SEND. We encourage you to read this. Contact details are on the document should you want to get in touch with any questions.
    The service are also offering Phase Transfer drop-in support sessions for families. These will be on Microsoft Teams:
    Wednesday 19 April 2023 12:00-13:00 - Click here to join the meeting
    Thursday 11 May 2023 12:00-13:00 - Click here to join the meeting
    Please see Education for all Sheffield for more information.
    The sign in details for all sessions are also on page 5 of the document.
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  • Ofsted updates following visit on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2023

    Published 18/04/23

    I’m pleased to share with you the results of the OFSTED monitoring visit which took place on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2023. This was the first visit following our Special Measures judgement last summer, and there were two possible outcomes from this visit either we were or were not making progress towards the removal of special measures. I’m happy to say that inspectors agreed that we are making progress towards that goal, and they go into some detail in their letter about how we’ve done that so far.

    Please see the links to the full letters below.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter - April 2023

    Published 30/03/23

    Tapton School Academy Trust - Online Safety Newsletter for April.

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  • Year 7 Curriculum changes

    Published 29/03/23

    As we approach the Easter break, we wanted to inform you of some upcoming changes to the Year 7 timetable.

    Please see the letter below for further information.

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  • Sheffield Parent Hub - What's on Guide Spring 2023

    Published 16/03/23

    Please see the link below for the full information regarding Seminars, Discussion Groups and Group Programmes which will held by Sheffield Parent Hub over Spring 2023.

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  • Neurodiversity Week

    Published 15/03/23

    To celebrate this event, students will be learning more about neurodiversity this week. 

    We will continue to raise awareness and recognition of neurological differences and continue our work on respecting diversity. 

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