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Hepp - Understanding Student Finance

Hepp will be hosting their next event specifically for parents, carers and students to hear about student finance. Explaining how student finance works for higher education.

They will give you the facts on

  • How much money students can receive as a loan or non-repayable bursary/ scholarship
  • The extra financial support they may be eligible for
  • Repayments
  • Explain how finance isn’t a barrier to higher education

The session ‘Parent and Carers - Understanding Student Finance’ is taking place on Thursday 9 February 2023 from 5pm – 6pm.

To register please follow the following link: Parent and Carers -,M_nqWDlgd0KhjF8HnENGRw,swkfTw0QnUaulmlPrD-6BQ,zqYLIkclaUW7jAT8z-pToA,yspeLjpEEEOJlGozJhHuTw,BrQ110V7QkS0HN94cPFNVg?mode=read&tenantId=8968f6a1-ac13-472f-b899-f7316e439f43&skipauthstrap=1